Friday, December 31, 2010

Wow! It's so big...

Signe Wilkinson of the Washington Post is one of my favorite editorial cartoonists. I love the simplicity of this artwork, and the overwhelming size of the public employee pension and health care costs. None of the taxpayers have any chance of moving that thing!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

King Yudof, UC

Here is an original one from Mr Ben Galore (I think this is a parody of "Bangalore"). Yudof is the Big Boss at the University of California. His pension fund is in the hole for over $20 BILLION. Instead of making any substantial fixes to this Ponzi scheme, he's doing too little too late. Probably so that he can create the impression that he's "tackling" the problem, while protecting the generous pensions for himself, his cronies, and everyone who works for him. The only sacrifice that current employees will have to make is to begin paying a teeny-tiny more for their health benefits.

An original artwork by Ben Galore.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sticky and stinky

Lisa Benson of the Washington Post does a lot of great PERS editorial cartoons. The accelerator is a great metaphor for the legal mechanisms that the public employee unions have put in place to guarantee their financial situation at the expense of the taxpayers.

I love the look on the face of the lady in the blue car.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Grinch is Stealing Christmas

This morning I received this mash-up of a scene from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The guy who sent it to me, who goes by the name Ben Galore, said he made it after reading this article by Dave Low in the Sacramento Bee.  Mr Low is trying to make his army of pension-sucking, day-to-retirement-counting cronies believe that when the taxpayers begin to stand up for themselves, they're the ones who are acting like the Grinch.

I think this cartoon is great. Mr. Galore told me that he has another one he's going to send me. I hope he gets it to me soon, otherwise I'll have to save it for Christmas next year.

Mashed up by Ben Galore

Friday, December 17, 2010

Somebody wins... somebody loses.

This beauty comes form John Cole of The Times Tribune. I wonder how these public employees feel when they win another arbitrated ruling to keep pumping up their generous pensions, while the city or county or state has to cut programs to needy?

Monday, December 13, 2010

GodizllaPERS - a video paroday of CalPERS

I was searching YouTube for dirt about CalPERS,  the money (mis)manager for most of the California state and city pension funds. I found this parody video called GodzillaPERS. They took the original Japanese footage of the old Godzilla movie and they added their own subtitles. They made CalPERS turn into the Godzilla monster that grew too big and started destroying the cities. Very funny.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

California is used to getting earthquakes

Earthquakes are not new to California, but most people aren't prepared for the coming disaster of the exploding government pension funds. Personally, I wouldn't mind see something shake the system to ground.

This came from Rex Babin of the Sacramento Bee.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hurry up... I'm going to miss my tee time!

From Jim Day of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. I always wondered why some people would say that they're going to finally take time to play golf once they retire. Golf is expensive! And so is the travel to and from the golf courses. Now I understand. These are retired public employees who are pulling down taxpayer-guaranteed pensions of six figures. That's where they get all this money from.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A double threat...

This one was created by Chip Bok. Can you imagine being guaranteed a solid income for the rest of your life beginning at age 55? You can even take a second job while you're collecting it.

You can see more of Chip's work at

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When I grow up....

Our first cartoon was created by Steve Breen, of the San Diego Union-Tribune. This one really sums up a lot of people's feelings when they see the generous pensions of millions of dollars that most government employees are now guaranteed when they retire as early as 55 (or 50...).

Welcome to 'Somebody Tooted'

Are you obsessed with reading the newspapers and blogs for endless depressing news about how public employee retirement systems are draining the cities, counties and states of vital funding? You can't stop reading this sort of news, but it makes you miserable. Of course it's depressing. The PERS are the biggest financial scam every pulled on the American taxpayers.

But all is not lost. Instead of the endless bad news about the PERS, and the endless droning of the public employee labor unions about how their oh-so-sad retirees are trying to get by on only $100k per year (guaranteed by YOU, sucker), this website will bring you the joyful, happy, uplifting news about the overwhelming debt of public employee pensions.

I've collected many hilarious editorial cartoons from some of the best illustrators in the country. And you'll find them all here. Hopefully at least one new cartoon per week. We'll also highlight funny videos, funny stories, and funny quotes. We may even hand out special "fat cat" awards to the most disgraceful use of public funds (well, not disgraceful to the retired civil servants who are receiving them...).

So keep coming back, enjoy what you see, spread it around, and feel free to submit any good funny cartoons or videos that you hear about.


The Management.